Note: This post is based on icd-9. You will need to translate the listed codes to ICD-10 but all the other rules listed herein remain the same.
Billing for an Intermediate Visual Field (92082) In General:
This code is considered unilateral or bilateral-This means that it may only be billed once you may not use an RT or LT modifier.
If you only perform the service one one eye you should append with modifier -52 to show that the services were reduced to only one eye. Again,
the insurance company doesn't care which eye it is so you NEVER use and RT or LT modifier.
In general, a visual field may be done only once every 6 months. Also, some payers will not pay a visual field separately from an eye exam if you
do not have a separate DX code for the eye exam that is not significantly different from the DX code you are using to bill the visual field.
The following ICD-9 codes can be translated to ICD-10 and used a basic GUIDE for which DX codes can be used and will be paid when billing for
these services.
V71.89 Observation for Other Specified Suspected Conditions
V71.81 Observation for Suspected Abuse and Neglect
V67.51 Follow Up Exam After Completed Treatment With High-risk Medication (Not Elsewhere Classified)
V65.2 Person Feigning Illness [Malingerer]
V58.69 Long-Term (current) Use of Other Medications
V58.67 Long-Term (current) Use of Insulin
V58.66 Long-Term (current) Use of Aspirin
E931.4 Antimalarials/Drugs Acting On Other Blood Protozoa Causing Adverse Effects In Theraputic Use
951.0 Injury To Oculmotor Nerve
950.9 Injury To Unspecified Optic Nerve And Pathway
950.3 Injury To Visual Cortex
950.2 Injury To Optic Pathways
950.1 Injury To Optic Chiasm
950.0 Injury To Optic Nerve
784.0 Headache - Unspecified
743.61 Congenital Ptosis of Eyelid
743.59 Other Congenital Anomalies of Posterior Segment
743.58 Vascular Anomalies, Congenital
743.57 Specified Congenital Anomalies of Optic Disk
743.56 Other Retinal Changes, Congenital
743.55 Congenital Macular Changes
743.54 Congenital Folds And Cysts of Posterior Segment
743.53 Chorioretinal Degeneration, Congenital
743.52 Fundus Coloboma
743.51 Vitreous Anomalies, Congenital
743.22 Megalocornea [Keratoglobus]
743.21 Simple buphthalmos
743.20 Glaucoma Congenital (Buphthalmos)
714.0 Arthritis - Rheumatoid
446.5 Giant Cell Arteritis
437.9 Unspecified Cerebrovascular Disease
437.8 Other Ill-defined Cerebrovascular Disease
437.7 Transient Global Amnesia
437.6 Nonpyogenic Thrombosis of Intracranial Venous Sinus
437.5 Moyamoya Disease
437.4 Cerebral Arteritis
437.3 Cerebral Aneurysm, Nonruptured
437.2 Hypertensive Encephalopathy
437.1 Generalized Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease - Other
437.0 Cerebral Atherosclerosis - Atheroma of cerebral arteries
436 Acute, But Ill-defined, Cerebrovascular Disease [Apoplexy, apoplectic: NOS, attack, cerebral, seizure; Cerebral seizure]
435.9 Unspecified Transient Cerebral Ischemia [Transient Ischemic Attack,TIA]
435.0 Basilar Artery Syndrome
434.91 Cerebral Artery Occlusion Unspecified With Cerebral Infarction
434.90 Cerebral Artery Occlusion Unspecified Without Cerebral Infarction
434.11 Cerebral Embolism With Cerebral Infarction
434.10 Cerebral Embolism Without Cerebral Infarction
434.01 Cerebral Thrombosis With Cerebral Infarction
434.00 Cerebral Thrombosis Without Cerebral Infarction
433.91 Occlusion and Stenosis of Other Unspecified Precerebral Artery With Cerebral Infarction
433.90 Occlusion and Stenosis of Other Unspecified Precerebral Artery Without Cerebral Infarction
433.81 Occlusion and Stenosis of Other Specified Precerebral Artery With Cerebral Infarction
433.80 Occlusion and Stenosis of Other Specified Precerebral Artery Without Cerebral Infarction
433.31 Occlusion and Stenosis of Multiple And Bilateral Precerebral Arteries With Cerebral Infarction
433.30 Occlusion and Stenosis of Multiple And Bilateral Precerebral Arteries Without Cerebral Infarction
433.21 Occlusion and Stenosis of Vertebral Artery With Cerebral Infarction
433.20 Occlusion and Stenosis of Vertebral Artery Without Cerebral Infarction
433.11 Occlusion and Stenosis of Carotid Artery With Cerebral Infarction
433.10 Occlusion and Stenosis of Carotid Artery Without Cerebral Infarction
433.01 Occlusion and Stenosis of Basilar Artery With Cerebral Infarction
433.00 Occlusion and Stenosis of Basilar Artery Without Cerebral Infarction
432.9 Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage [Intracranial hemorrhage NOS]
432.1 Subdural Hemorrhage [Subdural hematoma, nontraumatic]
432.0 Nontraumatic Extradural Hemorrhage [Nontraumatic epidural hemorrhage]
431 Intracerebral Hemorrhage [Hemorrhage of: Basilar, Bulbar, Cerebellar, Cerebral, Cortical, Subcortical, Ventricular]
430 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage [Meningeal hemorrhage - Ruptured: berry aneurysm -Congenital Cerebral Aneurysm NOS]
379.63 Inflammation (infection) of post-procedural bleb, stage 3
379.62 Inflammation (infection) of post-procedural bleb, stage 2
379.61 Inflammation (infection) of post-procedural bleb, stage 1
379.60 Inflammation (infection) of post-procedural bleb, unspecified
379.59 Irregularity of Eye Movement - Other [Opsoclonus]
379.58 Deficiencies of Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement
379.57 Deficiencies of Saccadic Eye Movement [Abnormal Optokinetic Response]
379.56 Other Forms of Nystagmus
379.55 Dissociated Nystagmus
379.54 Nystagmus - Vestibular
379.53 Visual Deprivation Nystagmus
379.52 Nystagmus - Latent
379.51 Nystagmus - Congenital
379.50 Nystagmus - Unspecified
379.45 Argyll Robertson Pupil - Atypical
378.87 Other Dissociated Deviation of Eye Movements - Skew deviation
378.86 Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
378.85 Anomalies of Divergence - Divergence Insufficiency
378.84 Convergence Excess
378.83 Convergence Insufficiency or Palsy - Accommodative Insufficiency
378.82 Spasm of Conjugate Gaze
378.81 Palsy of Conjugate Gaze
378.56 Ophthalmoplegia - Total
378.55 Paresis - External Ophthalmoplegia
378.54 Sixth or Abducens Nerve Palsy
378.53 Fourth or Trochlear Nerve Palsy
378.52 Third or Oculomotor Nerve Palsy, Total
378.51 Third or Oculomotor Nerve Palsy, Partial
378.50 Paralytic Strabismus
377.75 Cortical Visual Impairment [Cerebral Blindness]
377.73 Disorders of Visual Cortex Associated with Inflammatory Disorders
377.72 Disorders of Visual Cortex Associated with Vascular Disorders
377.71 Disorders of Visual Cortex Associated with Neoplasms
377.63 Disorders of Other Visual Pathways Associated with Inflammatory Disorders
377.62 Disorders of Other Visual Pathways Associated with Vascular Disorders
377.61 Disorders of Other Visual Pathways Associated with Neoplasms
377.54 Disorders of Optic Chiasm Associated with Inflammatory Disorders
377.53 Disorders of Optic Chiasm Associated with Vascular Disorders
377.52 Disorders of Optic Chiasm Associated with Other Neoplasms
377.51 Disorders of Optic Chiasm Associated with Pituitary Neoplasms & Disorders
377.49 Other Disorders of Optic Nerve [Myelinated Nerve Layer]
377.43 Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
377.42 Hemorrhage In Optic Nerve Sheaths
377.41 Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
377.39 Other Optic Neuritis
377.34 Toxic Optic Neuropathy - Toxic Amblyopia
377.33 Nutritional Optic Neuropathy
377.32 Retrobulbar Neuritis (acute)
377.31 Optic Papillitus
377.30 Optic Neuritis - Unspecified
377.24 Pseudopapilledema
377.23 Coloboma of Optic Disc [Morning Glory Syndrome]
377.22 Crater-like Holes of Optic Disc
377.21 Drusen of Optic Disc
377.16 Optic Atrophy - Hereditary [Leber optic neuropathy]
377.15 Optic Atrophy - Partial
377.14 Glaucomatus Atrophy Cupping of Optic Disk - Optic Atrophy
377.13 Optic Atrophy - Retinal Dystrophy
377.12 Optic Atrophy - Post-inflammatory
377.11 Optic Atrophy - Primary
377.10 Optic Atrophy - Unspecified
377.04 Foster-Kennedy Syndrome
377.03 Papilledema - Retinal Disorder
377.02 Papilledema - Decreased Pressure
377.01 Papilledema - Intracranial
377.00 Papilledema - Unspecified
376.9 Orbital Disorder
376.89 Other Orbital Disorders
376.82 Myopathy of Extraocular Muscles
376.81 Orbital Cysts
376.6 Retained (old) Foreign Body Following Penetrating Wound of Orbit
376.52 Enophthalmos Due To Trauma or Surgery
376.51 Enophthalmos Due To Atrophy of Orbital Tissue
376.50 Enophthalmos, Unspecified As To Cause
376.47 Local Deformities of Orbit Due To Trauma or Surgery
376.46 Enlargement of Orbit
376.45 Atrophy of Orbit
376.44 Orbital Deformities Associated With Craniofacial Deformities
376.43 Local Deformities of Orbit Due To Bone Disease
376.42 Exostosis of Orbit
376.41 Hypertelorism of Orbit
376.40 Deformity of Orbit, Unspecified
376.36 Lateral Displacement of Globe
376.35 Pulsating Exophthalmos
376.34 Intermittent Exophthalmos
376.33 Orbital Edema or Congestion
376.32 Orbital Hemorrhage
376.31 Constant Exophthalmos
376.30 Exophthalmos - Exposure
376.22 Exophthtlmos Ophthalmoplegia
376.21 Thyrotoxic Exophthalmos
376.11 Orbital Granuloma
376.04 Orbital Tenonitis
376.03 Orbital Osteomyelitis
376.02 Orbital Periostits
376.01 Orbital Abscess (Cellulitis)
376.00 Acute Inflammation of Orbit, Unspecified
374.87 Dermatochalasis
374.34 Blepharochalasis
374.33 Ptosis - Mechanical
374.32 Ptosis - Myogenic
374.31 Ptosis - Paralytic
374.30 Ptosis - Unspecified (Blepharoptosis)
373.9 Cellulitis - Preseptal
373.8 Other Inflammations - Eyelids
369.9 Unspecified Vision Impairment
369.8 Unqualified Vision Impairment, One Eye
369.76 One Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Normal Visio
369.75 One Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Near-normal Vision
369.74 One Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Vision Not Specified
369.73 One Eye: Severe Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Normal Vision
369.72 One Eye: Severe Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Near-normal Vision
369.71 One Eye: Severe Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Vision Not Specified
369.70 Low Vision, One Eye - Vision Impairment
369.69 One Eye: Profound Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Normal Vision
369.68 One Eye: Profound Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Near-normal Vision
369.67 One Eye: Profound Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Vision Not Specified
369.66 One Eye: Near-total Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Normal Vision
369.65 One Eye: Near-total Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Near-normal Vision
369.64 One Eye: Near-total Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Vision Not Specified
369.63 One Eye: Total Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Normal Vision
369.62 One Eye: Total Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Near-normal Vision
369.61 One Eye: Total Vision Impairment; Other Eye: Not Specified
369.60 Blindness, one eye
369.4 Blindness, Legal
369.3 Unqualified Visual Loss, Both Eyes Vision Impairment
369.25 Better Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment
369.24 Better Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Severe Vision Impairment
369.23 Better Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Impairment Not Further Specified
369.22 Better Eye: Severe Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Severe Vision Impairment
369.21 Better Eye: Severe Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye; Impairment Not Further Specified
369.20 Low Vision, Both Eyes, Vision Impairment Not Otherwise Specified
369.18 Better Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Profound Vision Impairment
369.17 Better Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Near-total Vision Impairment
369.16 Better Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Total Vision Impairment
369.15 Better Eye: Moderate Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Blind, Not Further Specified
369.14 Better Eye: Severe Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Profound Vision Impairment
369.13 Better Eye: Severe Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Near-total Vision Impairment
369.12 Better Eye: Severe Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Total Vision Impairment
369.11 Better Eye: Severe Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Blind, Not Further Specified
369.10 Blindness, One Eye; Vision Impairment Other Eye
369.08 Better Eye: Profound Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Profound Vision Impairment
369.07 Better Eye: Profound Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Near-total Vision Impairment
369.06 Better Eye: Profound Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Total Vision Impairment
369.05 Better Eye: Profound Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Not Specified
369.04 Better Eye: Near-total Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Near-total Vision Impairment
369.03 Better Eye: Near-total Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Total Vision Impairment
369.02 Better Eye: Near-total Vision Impairment; Lesser Eye: Not Specified
369.01 Total Vision Impairment - Both Eyes
369.00 Blindness of Both Eyes, Impairment Level Not Further Specified
368.9 Unspecified Visual Disturbance
368.8 Other Specified Visual Disturbances [Blurred Vision]
368.69 Other Night Blindness
368.63 Abnormal Adaptation Curve [Abnormal threshold / Delayed adaptation of cones or rods]
368.62 Night Blindness - Acquired
368.61 Night Blindness - Congenital [Oguchi`s disease]
368.60 Night Blindness - Unspecified
368.55 Color Vision Deficiency - Acquired
368.47 Heteronymous Bilateral Field Defect [Binasal hemianopsia, Bitemporal hemianopsia]
368.46 Homonymous Bilateral Field Defect [Altitudinal, Quadrant anopsia, Hemianopsia]
368.45 Generalized Contraction - Constriction
368.44 Scotoma - Localized Defect
368.43 Scotoma - Sector - Arcuate Defect
368.42 Scotoma - Paracentral - Blind Spot
368.41 Scotoma - Central
368.40 Visual Field Defect - Unspecified
368.2 Diplopia [Double Vision]
368.16 Visual Disturbances - Psychophysical
368.15 Other Visual Distortions and Entoptic Phenomena [Refractive: diplopia; polyopia; Photopsia; Visual halos]
368.14 Visual Distortions of Shape and Size [Macropsia-Metamorphopsia-Micropsia]
368.13 Visual Discomfort [Asthenopia; Eye strain; Photophobia]
368.12 Transient Vision Loss [Concentric fading, Scintillating Scotoma]
368.11 Sudden Visual Loss
368.10 Subjective Visual Disturbance - Unspecified
368.03 Amblyopia - Refractive
368.02 Amblyopia - Deprivation
368.01 Amblyopia - Strabismic [Suppression Amblyopia]
368.00 Amblyopia - Unspecified
365.9 Unspecified Glaucoma
365.89 Other Specified Glaucoma
365.83 Other Specified Forms of Glaucoma, Aqueous Misdirection
365.82 Glaucoma With Increased Episcleral Venous Pressure
365.81 Hypersecretion Glaucoma
365.74 Indeterminate Stage Glaucoma
365.73 Severe Stage Glaucoma [Advanced, End-stage]
365.72 Moderate Stage Glaucoma
365.71 Mild Stage Glaucoma [Early]
365.70 Glaucoma Stage Unspecified
365.65 Glaucoma Associated With Ocular Trauma
365.64 Glaucoma Associated With Tumors or Cysts
365.63 Glaucoma With Vascular Disorders of Eye
365.62 Glaucoma Associated With Ocular Inflammations
365.61 Glaucoma With Pupillary Block [Bomb?, Seclusion]
365.60 Glaucoma Associated With Unspecified Ocular Disorder
365.59 Glaucoma Associated With other Lens Disorders
365.52 Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma
365.51 Phacolylic Glaucoma
365.44 Glaucoma Associated With Systemic Syndromes
365.43 Glaucoma Associated With other Anterior Segment Anomalies
365.42 Glaucoma Associated With Anomalies of Iris [Anomalies NEC, Atrophy, Essential]
365.41 Glaucoma Associated With Chamber Angle Anomalies [Axenfeld`s anomaly, Rieger`s anomaly or syndrome]
365.32 Corticosteroid-induced Glaucoma Residual Stage
365.31 Corticosteroid-induced Glaucoma Glaucomatous Stage
365.24 Residual Stage of Angle-closure Glaucoma
365.23 Chronic Angle-closure Glaucoma
365.22 Acute Angle-closure Glaucoma [Attack, Crisis]
365.21 Intermittent Angle-closure Glaucoma [Interval, Sub-acute]
365.20 Primary Angle-closure Glaucoma Unspecified
365.15 Residual Stage of Open Angle Glaucoma
365.14 Glaucoma of Childhood [Infantile, Juvenile Glaucoma]
365.13 Pigmentary Open-angle Glaucoma
365.12 Low Tension Open-angle Glaucoma
365.11 Primary Open Angle Glaucoma [Chronic, Simple, Noncongestive, Nonobstructive]
365.10 Open-angle Glaucoma Unspecified [Wide-angle Glaucoma NOS]
365.06 Primary Angle Closure Without Glaucoma Damage
365.05 Open Angle With Borderline Findings High Risk [Glaucoma Suspect]
365.04 Ocular Hypertension
365.03 Steroid Responders Borderline Glaucoma
365.02 Anatomical Narrow Angle Borderline Glaucoma [Narrow Anterior Chamber Angle]
365.01 Open Angle With Borderline Findings Low Risk [Glaucoma Suspect]
365.00 Pre-Glaucoma Unspecified [Glaucoma Suspect]
364.22 Glaucomatocyclitic Crises
363.9 Unspecified Disorder of Choroid
363.8 Other Disorders of Choroid
363.72 Choroidal Detachment - Hemorrhagic [Commotio Retinae, Choroidal Hemorrhage]
363.71 Choroidal Detachment - Serous [Commotio Retinae, Choroidal Hemorrhage]
363.70 Choroidal Detachment [Commotio Retinae, Choroidal Hemorrhage]
363.63 Choroidal Rupture [Commotio Retinae, Choroidal Hemorrhage]
363.62 Expulsive Choroidal Hemorrhage
363.61 Choroidal Hemorrhage - Unspecified
363.57 Other Diffuse or Generalized Dystrophy of Choroid - Total [Generalized gyrate atrophy, choroid]
363.56 Other Diffuse or Generalized Dystrophy of Choroid - Partial [Diffuse choroidal sclerosis]
363.55 Choroideremia
363.54 Central Dystrophy of Choroid - Total [Central Gyrate, Serpiginous]
363.53 Central Dystrophy of Choroid - Partial [Central Areolar, Circinate]
363.52 Circumpapillary Dystrophy of Choroid - Total [Helicoid dystrophy, Peripapillary Atrophy]
363.51 Circumpapillary Dystrophy of Choroid - Partial [Peripapillary Atrophy]
363.50 Hereditary Choroidal Dystrophy or Atrophy - Unspecified
363.43 Choroid - Angioid Streaks
363.42 Diffuse Secondary Atrophy of Choroid
363.41 Senile Atrophy - Choroid
363.40 Choroidal Degeneration - Unspecified [Choroidal sclerosis NOS]
363.22 Harada`s Disease
363.21 Pars Planitis [Posterior cyclitis]
363.20 Chorioretinitis - Unspecified [Choroiditis NOS, Retinitis NOS, Uveitis posterior NOS]
363.15 Disseminated Retinitis and Retinochoroiditis - Pigment Epitheliopathy [Acute posterior multifocal placoid]
63.14 Disseminated Retinitis and Retinochoroiditis - Metastatic
363.13 Disseminated Chorioretinitis - Generalized
363.12 Disseminated Chorioretinitis - Peripheral
363.11 Disseminated Chorioretinitis - Unspecified
363.10 Disseminated Chorioretinitis - Posterior
363.08 Focal Retinitis And Retinochoroiditis - Peripheral
363.07 Focal Retinitis And Retinochoroiditis of other Posterior Pole
363.06 Focal Retinitis and Retinochoroiditis - Macular or Paramacular
363.05 Focal Retinitis and Retinochoroiditis - Juxtapapillary [Neuroretinitis]
363.04 Focal Choroiditis and Chorioretinitis - Peripheral
363.03 Focal Choroiditis and Chorioretinitis of Other Posterior Pole
363.01 Focal Choroiditis and Chorioretinitis - Juxtapapillary
363.00 Focal Chorioretinitis - Unspecified
362.9 Other Retinal Disorders
362.89 Retinal Disorder - Unspecified
362.85 Retinal Nerve Fiber Bundle Defects [Myelinated]
362.84 Retinal Ischemia
362.83 Retinal Edema [Cotton Wool Spots, Macular, Peripheral, Localized]
362.82 Retinal Exudates and Deposits
362.81 Retinal Hemorrhage
362.77 Bruch`s Membrane Dystrophy [Dystrophy: Hyaline; Pseudoinflammatory Foveal, Hereditary Drusen]
362.76 Dystrophies Primarily Involving The Retinal Pigment Epithelium [CHRPE, Fundus flavimaculatus, Vitelliform dystrophy]
362.75 Other Dystrophies Primarily Involving The Sensory Retina [Progressive cone/rod dystrophy, Stargardt`s disease]
362.74 Pigmentary Retinal Dystrophy [Retinitis Pigmentosa, Albipunctate]
362.73 Vitreoretinal Dystrophies [Juvenile Retinoschisis]
362.72 Retinal Dystrophy In Other Systemic Disorders And Syndromes
362.71 Hereditary Retinal Dystrophy In Systemic or Cerebroretinal Lipidoses
362.70 Hereditary Retinal Dystrophy - Unspecified
362.66 Secondary Vitreoretinal Degeneration
362.65 Secondary Pigmentary Degeneration [Pseudoretinitis pigmentosa]
362.64 Senile Reticular Degeneration
362.63 Lattice Degeneration of Retina [Palisade degeneration of retina]
362.62 Microcystoid Degeneration [Blessig`s cysts Iwanoff`s cysts]
362.61 Paving Stone Degeneration
362.60 Peripheral Retinal Degeneration
362.57 Drusen
362.56 Macular Puckering [Preretinal Fibrosis, Epiretinal membrane]
362.55 Toxic Maculopathy of Retina [Plaquenil Evaluation With Toxic Maculopathy]
362.54 Macular Cyst or Hole or Pseudo-hole of Retina
362.53 Macular Degeneration - Cystoid
362.52 Macular Degeneration - Exudative Senile (WET) [Kuhnt-Junius degeneration]
362.51 Macular Degeneration - Non-Exudative Senile (DRY)
362.50 Macular Degeneration - Senile - (ARMD) Unspecified
362.43 Hemorrhage Detachment of Retinal Pigment Epithelium
362.42 Serous Detachment of Retinal Pigment Epithelium [Exudative detachment]
362.41 Retinopathy - Central Serous
362.40 Retinal Layer Separation - Unspecified
362.37 Venous Engorgment of Retina [Occlusion of retinal vein]
362.36 Venous Tributary (Branch) Occlusion of Retina - BVRO
362.35 Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
362.34 Transient Retinal Arterial Occlusion [Amaurosis Fugax]
362.33 Partial Arterial Occlusion [Hollenhorst plaque, Retinal micro-embolism]
362.32 Arterial Branch Occlusion
362.31 Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
362.30 Retinal Vascular Occlusion - Unspecified
362.21 Retrolental Fibroplasia [Cicatricial retinopathy of prematurity]
362.18 Retinal Vasculitis
362.17 Other Intraretinal Microvascular Abnormalities Retinal varices
362.16 Retinal Neovascularization - NOS
362.15 Retinal Telangiectasia
362.14 Retinal Microaneurysms - NOS
362.13 Changes In Vascular Appearance of Retina - Vascular sheathing of retina
362.12 Retinopathy - Exudative - Coats` syndrome
362.11 Retinopathy - Hypertensive
362.07 Diabetic Macular Edema
362.06 Severe Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
362.05 Moderate Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
362.04 Mild Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
362.03 Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
362.01 Background Diabetic Retinopathy
361.9 Unspecified Retinal Detachment
361.89 Other Forms of Retinal Detachment
361.81 Retinal Detachment - Tractional
361.33 Retina - Multiple Defects w/o Detachment
361.32 Retinal Tear w/o Detachment
361.31 Retinal Hole w/o Detachment
361.30 Retinal Defect - Unspecified w/o Detachment
361.2 Retinal Detachment Serous - without retinal defect
361.19 Other Retinoschisis And Retinal Cysts
361.14 Retinal Cysts - Secondary
361.13 Retinal Cysts - Primary
361.12 Retinoschisis - Bullous
361.11 Retinoschisis - Flat
361.10 Retinoschisis - Unspecified
361.07 Retinal Detachment - Old - Total or Sub-total
361.06 Retinal Detachment - Old - Partial
361.05 Retinal Detachment - Recent - Total or Sub-total
361.04 Retinal Detachment - Recent - Partial - Dialysis
361.03 Retinal Detachment - Recent - Partial - Giant Tear
361.02 Retinal Detachment - Recent - Partial - Multiple Defect
361.01 Retinal Detachment - Recent - Partial - One Defect
361.00 Retinal Detachment - Defect - Unspecified
360.29 Other Degenerative Disorders of Globe
360.23 Siderosis of Globe
348.4 Compression of Brain
348.39 Other Encephalopathy
348.31 Metabolic Encephalopathy
348.30 Encephalopathy Unspecified
348.2 Benign Intracranial Hypertension [Pseudotumor Cerebri]
346.91 Migraine - Unspecified - With Intractable - Without Status Migrainosus
346.90 Migraine - Unspecified - Without Intractable - Without Status Migrainosus
346.81 Migraine - Other Forms - With Intractable - Without Status Migrainosus
346.80 Migraine - Other Forms - Without Intractable - Without Status Migrainosus
346.21 Migraine - Variants - With Intractable - Without Status Migrainosus (not elsewhere classified)
346.20 Migraine - Variants - Without Intractable - Without Status Migrainosus (not elsewhere classified)
346.01 Migraine - With Aura - With Intractable - Without Status Migrainosus
346.00 Migraine - With Aura - Without Intractable - Without Status Migrainosus
345.91 Epilepsy Unspecified With Intractable Epilepsy
345.90 Epilepsy Unspecified Without Intractable Epilepsy
345.81 Other Forms of Epilepsy With Intractable Epilepsy
345.80 Other Forms of Epilepsy Without Intractable Epilepsy
345.71 Epilepsia Partialis Continua With Intractable Epilepsy
345.70 Epilepsia Partialis Continua Without Intractable Epilepsy
345.61 Infantile Spasms With Intractable Epilepsy
345.60 Infantile Spasms Without Intractable Epilepsy
345.51 Partial Epilepsy Without Impairment of Consciousness With Intractable Epilepsy
345.50 Partial Epilepsy Without Impairment of Consciousness Without Intractable Epilepsy
345.41 Partial Epilepsy With Intractable Epilepsy
345.40 Partial Epilepsy Without Intractable Epilepsy
345.3 Grand Mal Status Epileptic
345.2 Petit Mal Status Epileptic
345.11 Generalized Convulsive Epilepsy With Intractable Epilepsy
345.10 Generalized Convulsive Epilepsy Without Intractable Epilepsy
345.01 Generalized Nonconvulsive Epilepsy With Intractable Epilepsy
345.00 Generalized Nonconvulsive Epilepsy Without Intractable Epilepsy
343.1 Congenital Hemiplegia
342.92 Unspecified Hemiplegia And Hemiparesis Affecting Non-dominant Side
342.91 Unspecified Hemiplegia And Hemiparesis Affecting Dominant Side
342.90 Unspecified Hemiplegia And Hemiparesis Affecting Unspecified Side
342.12 Spastic Hemiplegia And Hemiparesis Affecting Non-dominant Side
342.11 Spastic Hemiplegia And Hemiparesis Affecting Dominant Side
342.10 Spastic Hemiplegia And Hemiparesis Affecting Unspecified Side
342.02 Flaccid Hemiplegia And Hemiparesis Affecting Non-dominant Side
342.01 Flaccid Hemiplegia And Hemiparesis Affecting Dominant Side
342.00 Flaccid Hemiplegia And Hemiparesis Affecting Unspecified Side
341.9 Demyelinating Disease of Central Nervous System Unspecified
341.8 Other Demyelinating Diseases of Central Nervous System
341.22 Idiopathic Transverse Myelitis
341.21 Acute (transverse) Myelitis In Conditions Classified Elsewhere
341.20 Acute (transverse) Myelitis NOS
341.1 Schilder`s Disease [Balo`s Concentric Sclerosis, Encephalitis Periaxialis]
341.0 Neuromyelitis Optica [NMO, Devic`s syndrome, Devic`s Disease]
340 Multiple Sclerosis
333.81 Blepharospasm
331.5 Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus [INPH]
324.0 Intracranial Abscess
323.9 Unspecified Cause of Encephalitis
323.82 Other Causes of Myelitis
323.81 Other Causes of Encephalitis And Encephalomyelitis
323.72 Toxic Myelitis
323.71 Toxic Encephalitis And Encephalomyelitis
323.62 Other Postinfectious Encephalitis And Encephalomyelitis
323.61 Infectious Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (adem)
323.52 Myelitis Following Immunization Procedures
323.51 Encephalitis And Encephalomyelitis Following Immunization Procedures
323.42 Other Myelitis Due To Infection Classified Elsewhere
323.41 Other Encephalitis And Encephalomyelitis Due To Infection Classified Elsewhere
323.2 Encephalitis In Protozoal Diseases Classified Elsewhere
323.1 Encephalitis In Rickettsial Diseases Classified Elsewhere
323.02 Myelitis In Viral Diseases Classified Elsewhere
323.01 Encephalitis And Encephalomyelitis In Viral Diseases Classified Elsewhere
322.9 Meningitis Unspecified
322.2 Chronic Meningitis
322.1 Eosinophilic Meningitis
322.0 Nonpyogenic Meningitis
321.8 Meningitis Due To Other Nonbacterial Organisms Classified Elsewhere
321.4 Meningitis In Sarcoidosis
321.3 Meningitis Due To Trypanosomiasis
321.2 Meningitis Due To Viruses Not Elsewhere Classified
321.1 Meningitis In Other Fungal Diseases
321.0 Cryptococcal Meningitis
320.9 Meningitis Due To Unspecified Bacterium
320.89 Meningitis Due To Other Specified Bacteria
320.82 Meningitis Due To Gram-negative Bacteria Not Elsewhere Classified
320.81 Anaerobic Meningitis
320.7 Meningitis In Other Bacterial Diseases Classified Elsewhere
320.3 Staphylococcal Meningitis
320.2 Streptococcal Meningitis
320.1 Pneumococcal Meningitis
320.0 Hemophilus Meningitis
310.2 Postconcussion Syndrome [Posttraumatic brain syndrome]
300.11 Conversion Disorder [Blindness, Hysterical]
300.00 Anxiety State Unspecified
264.9 Unspecified Vitamin A Deficiency
264.8 Other Manifestations of Vitamin A Deficiency
264.7 Other Ocular manifestations of Vitamin A Deficiency
264.6 Vitamin A Deficiency With Xerophthalmic Scars of Cornea
264.5 Vitamin A deficiency with Night Blindness
264.4 Vitamin A Deficiency With Keratomalacia
264.3 Vitamin A Deficiency With Corneal Ulcerations And Xerosis
264.2 Vitamin A Deficiency With Corneal Xerosis
264.1 Vitamin A Deficiency With Conjunctival Xerosis And Bitot`s Spot
264.0 Vitamin A Deficiency With Conjunctival Xerosis
259.8 Other Specified Endocrine Disorders
253.9 Unspecified Disorder of The Pituitary Gland And Its Hypothalamic Control
253.8 Other Disorders of The Pituitary And Other Syndromes of Diencephalohypophyseal Origin
253.7 Iatrogenic Pituitary Disorders
253.6 Other Disorders of Neurohypophysis
253.5 Diabetes Insipidus
253.3 Pituitary dwarfism [Isolated deficiency of human growth hormone (HGH), Lorain-Levi dwarfism]
253.2 Panhypopituitarism [Sheehan`s syndrome, Simmonds` disease]
253.1 Other and unspecified anterior pituitary hyperfunction [Forbes-Albright syndrome]
253.0 Acromegaly and gigantism [Overproduction of growth hormone]
250.53 Diabetes with Ophthalmic Manifestations Type I - Uncontrolled
250.52 Diabetes with Ophthalmic Manifestations Type II - Uncontrolled
250.51 Diabetes with Ophthalmic Manifestations Type I - Controlled
250.50 Diabetes with Ophthalmic Manifestations Type II - Controlled
242.11 Toxic Uninodular Goiter With Thyrotoxic Crisis or Storm
242.10 Toxic Uninodular Goiter Without Thyrotoxic Crisis or Storm
242.01 Toxic Diffuse Goiter With Thyrotoxic Crisis or Storm [Graves`, Basedow?s, Parry?s disease, Exophthalmic or Toxic Goiter
242.00 Toxic Diffuse Goiter Without Thyrotoxic Crisis or Storm [Graves`, Basedow?s, Parry?s disease, Exophthalmic or Toxic Go
239.89 Neoplasms of Unspecified Nature - Other Specified Sites
239.81 Neoplasms of Unspecified Nature - Retina and Choroid
239.7 Brain Neoplasm - Benign
237.79 Other Neurofibromatosis
237.73 Schwannomatosis
237.72 Neurofibromatosis Type 2 Acoustic Neurofibromatosis
237.71 Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Von Recklinghausen`s Disease
237.70 Neurofibromatosis Unspecified
237.6 Neoplasm of Uncertain Behavior of Meninges
237.1 Neoplasm of Uncertain Behavior of Pineal Gland
237.0 Neoplasm of Uncertain Behavior of Pituitary Gland and Crainiopharyngeal Duct
234.0 Carcinoma In Situ of Eye
228.03 Hemangioma of Retina
228.02 Hemangioma of Intercranial Structures
227.4 Benign Neoplasm of Pineal Gland
227.3 Benign Neoplasm of Pituitary Gland And Craniopharyngeal Duct
225.2 Benign Neoplasm of Cerebral Meninges
225.1 Benign Neoplasm of Cranial Nerves
225.0 Benign Neoplasm of Brain
224.9 Benign Neoplasm - Unspecified
224.8 Benign Neoplasm - Other Specified Parts of Eye
224.7 Benign Neoplasm - Lacrimal Duct
224.6 Benign Neoplasm - Choroid [Choroidal Nevus]
224.5 Benign Neoplasm - Retina [Retinal Nevus]
224.4 Benign Neoplasm - Cornea
224.3 Benign Neoplasm - Conjunctiva
224.2 Benign Neoplasm - Lacrimal Gland
224.1 Benign Neoplasm - Orbit
224.0 Benign Neoplasm - Eyeball except Conjunctiva Cornea Retina Choroid [Ciliary body, Iris, Sclera, Uveal tract]
198.4 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm - Other Parts of Nervous System
194.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Pineal Gland
194.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Pituitary Gland And Craniopharyngeal Duct
192.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Cerebral Meninges
192.0 Malignant Neoplasm of Cranial Nerves
191.9 Malignant Neoplasm of Brain Unspecified Site
191.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Parts of Brain
191.7 Malignant Neoplasm of Brain Stem
191.6 Malignant Neoplasm of Cerebellum NOS
191.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Ventricles
191.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Occipital Lobe
191.3 Malignant Neoplasm - Parietal Lobe
191.2 Malignant Neoplasm - Temporal Lobe
191.1 Malignant Neoplasm - Frontal Lobe
191.0 Malignant Neoplasm - Cerebrum Except Lobes and Ventricles
190.9 Malignant Neoplasm - Unspecified
190.8 Malignant Neoplasm - Other Specified Sites of Eye
190.7 Malignant Neoplasm - Lacrimal Duct - Nasolacrimal duct
190.6 Malignant Neoplasm - Choroid
190.5 Malignant Neoplasm - Retina
190.4 Malignant Neoplasm - Cornea
190.3 Malignant Neoplasm - Conjunctiva
190.2 Malignant Neoplasm - Lacrimal Gland
190.1 Malignant Neoplasm - Orbit
190.0 Malignant Neoplasm - Eyeball (Except Conjunctiva, Cornea, Retina, and Choroid)
095.8 Other Specified Forms of Late Symptomatic Syphilis
094.89 Other Specified Neurosyphilis
094.87 Syphilitic Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysm
094.86 Syphilitic Acoustic Neuritis
094.85 Syphilitic Retrobulbar Neuritis
094.84 Syphilitic Optic Atrophy
094.83 Syphilitic Disseminated Retinochoroiditis
094.82 Syphilitic Parkinsonism
094.81 Syphilitic Encephalitis